About the Mission
Agentivan.com gets first hand information regularly from the bases and the soldiers on what the soldiers really need so that they are ready for all situations In the battlefield. These Items are requested by the commanders of the units.
If our assistance can save a life or aid a soldier in battle we would have done our job.
Our mission Is simple get the soldiers what they need. In the Amazon list below are the items needed, and necessary. If you purchase on the amazon link It gets delivered to me and I then I get them packaged into duffle bags so they are ready to go with the first courier. I supply each carrier with the necessary travel documents to pass through customs.
We work with URGENCY In that we want the soldiers to get the items as soon as possible. For this approach we have to pay a courier fee but we will do whatever it takes to get these bags to to our soldiers .ASAP. We have looked at other forms of transportation but they dont meet the URGENT mode so we are not interested in other slow coach modes. Our mission Is URGENT.
The hardest part of delivering these bags is getting the needed items in time for the couriers. The dates are listed above when we have people leaving.
TO MOTIVATE PEOPLE TO BUY THE LISTED ITEMS WE TRY TO EXPLAIN WHY THE ITEM IS SO IMPORTANT.A great Example is the Leatherman Scissors, which enables the medical units to cut the uniforms or boots to get access to the injured area. The difference between having one or not could be a LIFE saved or tragically a DEATH. We have film from the battlefield which shows how these scissors are a critical item to have with all the soldiers.
We will explain other Items on the list whenever we can